What is forex?

The answer to this question is quite straightforward - Forex refers to currency trading. However, it is not simply a blind gamble on the fluctuation of, for instance, the value of the dollar.
In reality, Forex involves the utilization of various analyses and tools. By leveraging these resources, you have the potential to achieve long-term profitability.
How forex works

The basis of forex trading is currency pairs - the pair of currencies you want to trade.

The most famous pair is the euro and the dollar - EUR/USD. This means that you either buy or sell euros. In exchange for dollars.

The principle is simple. If you expect the euro to go up or the dollar to go down, buy euros. And if you expect the opposite, sell euros.

One basic rule applies - if you really want to make money, forget about emotions, impressions and feelings. Instead, rely on facts and analysis.

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What currency pairs can you choose from?

There are countless currency pairs you can trade. They are generally divided into 3 groups:

major currency pairs cross currency pairs exotic currency pairs

There are 7 major currency pairs and they all trade in US dollars. They are:

  • euro and US dollar (EUR/USD),
  • the British pound and the US dollar (GBP/USD),
  • U.S. dollar and Canadian dollar (USD/CAD),
  • the US dollar and the Japanese yen (USD/JPY),
  • U.S. dollar and Swiss franc (USD/CHF),
  • Australian dollar and US dollar (AUD/USD),
  • New Zealand dollar and US dollar (NZD/USD).

They are based on the major pairs, but unlike them, there is no US dollar in them. Typical cross pairs include:

  • the British pound and the Japanese yen (GBP/JPY),
  • the British pound and the New Zealand dollar (GBP/NZD)
  • or the euro and the New Zealand dollar (EUR/NZD)
Exotic pairs include any that include a currency that you won't find in the main pairs. This includes any trading with Czech crowns.

What forex markets exist

Before you start trading currencies, you should know that forex offers 3 markets:
spot market forward market term market - futures
It is the most important of all. It is where investors trade currencies at their current value. The current price is determined by supply and demand and depends on many factors. For example, GDP, the political situation in a country or unemployment. It is from the spot market that the forward market and futures are based. In the forward market, instead of trading currencies directly, you are just trading contracts. In these, firms have a recorded claim on a currency, its price per unit and a settlement date. The exact terms of the transaction are determined by the individual parties.

In the futures market, investors trade standardized futures contracts. Unlike forward markets, they are pre-determined, for example:

  • the number of units traded,
  • delivery dates,
  • delivery dates
  • and minimum price increments.

Advantages and disadvantages of forex

Like all investments, forex has its pros and cons. The main advantages include:

Temporal flexibility – you can trade currencies at different trading centres around the world. This makes the forex market work 24 hours a day. From 23:00 on Sunday to 22:00 on Friday.
High liquidity – there is nothing easier than selling or buying currencies. With a daily trading volume of more than $6.6 billion, it usually only takes a few seconds to find a counterpart to trade major or cross pairs.
Low initial investment – you don't need hundreds of thousands of crowns. You can trade with a few dollars in your account. Plus, you can try everything out with demo accounts - it's easy to learn the basics and you don't risk anything.
Financial leverage – want to invest more than you currently have? Financial leverage - an interest-free loan from a broker - can help. You can earn a lot more. But be warned, you could lose a lot more at the same time. So use it wisely.
High volatility – like leverage, volatility can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. It makes it easier to make money - but it also makes it easier to lose money.
And what are the downsides?
You can't do it without knowledge – if you really want to make money, don't rely on instinct alone. You have to observe and analyse the situation in each country. This will put you in the black in the long run (and significantly).
Poor use of financial leverage – we have already hinted at this a few lines above. You need to think carefully about your use of leverage. Because it can accentuate not only your profit but also your loss.

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What else you need to know about forex

Forex is not only the largest financial market in the world due to its daily trading volume, but it is also decentralised and not overseen by an exchange. That is why it is referred to as OTC - over the counter.

Anyone can easily enter it. But to really succeed, you have to put in the time. Because the basis of any good trade is thorough analysis.

fundamental analysis statistical analysis technical analysis
Based on the current political and economic situation of the countries concerned. Determines the economic performance of a country, such as GDP or interest rate. Uses mainly historical data and tracks related charts.

At the same time, don't forget to invest wisely and spread your money across different trades. For example, we minimise risk by putting less than 1% of our total capital into each investment opportunity.

And watch out for one more thing. The pyramids that are cursing forex.

Forex is not multi-level marketing where you get a discount for bringing in other traders. If someone offers you something like that, get away from them fast! He's probably only after your money.

How to become a forex trader?

To become a pro trader and learn how to really make money with forex, you need a few things. Apart from mastering the mentioned analysis and other technical matters, your psyche and ability to control your emotions are important.

It's often the one that decides whether you make money or walk away empty-handed.

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