Forex mentoring for the best

in person and online
4 weeks+
Take the last step that separates you from the world of full time trading - sign up for our mentoring! We'll give you our experience, expose the mistakes you make and teach you how to avoid them.

And your goals will be within your reach!
mentoring medium
The FXCG guys gave me in one course what I didn't get in 5 years on Forex. They are able to conceptualize and explain everything correctly to a person, among other things they have excellent knowledge in this area and set their head in the right direction. For me they are great mentors and even better friends and top in Europe in this field.
Robin Dvořák
original works of operation
We adapt to your needs

We'll help you achieve your goals

Get an informed account? Manage the transition to full time trading? Or build and maintain capital that is worthwhile? You determine what your goal is.</span

We'll help you get there. Without unnecessary loss and as quickly as possible.

So we'll consolidate your knowledge, fill in the gaps you still have, and work it all out on the job. So that you can make the transition to independent trading. And achieve all your goals.

4.9 rating on Google
based on 241 reviews trustpilot
stars 4.5
Rated 4.4 on Trustpilot
based on 20 ratings

Go it alone or with your buddies

Don't want to be alone in this and have friends who have also taken courses from F.X.C.G. Education and now want to take the next step? Book a group mentoring!

It's for up to 3 people at a time and works out at CZK 27,500 per month per person - so each of you will save CZK 5,500 compared to the individual option. The filling is 100% the same as the individual.

Individuální mentoring
Skupinový mentoring

Individuální mentoring

8+ sezení měsíčně
dostaneš denní support na Discordu
získáš správné návyky
naučíš se zvládnout psychiku
doba trvání se ti přizpůsobí
33 000 Kč / měsíc

Mentoring s Machim

8+ sezení měsíčně
speciální discordové skupiny
ovládneš své ego i emoce
poučíš se z Machiho zkušeností
naučíš se zvládnout psychiku
na dotaz 🔥

Skupinový mentoring

8+ společných sezení měsíčně
denní support na Discordu
pro tradery, kteří jsou na stejné úrovni
získáte správné návyky
naučíte se zvládnout psychiku
27 500 Kč / měsíc / osoba

Skupinově s Machim

8+ společných sezení měsíčně
speciální discordové skupiny
ovládnete své ego, emoce i myšlení
poučíte se z Machiho zkušeností
naučíte se zvládnout psychiku
na dotaz 🔥
11 years
trading experience
VICI course participants
mentoring students
2 times a week
we meet for mentoring
5 years
we educate others
11 000+
students in all courses
4 weeks+
our mentoring lasts
trainers and mentors
graf up2
20+ videos
in all our courses
3 000+
users on Discord
Up to 90 minutes
does every meeting with a mentor
average rating on Google

See what our students say about mentoring

Get first-hand information from students who have already been through our mentoring programme. See what they say about it and how it helped them.
vysledky studentu2
We'll support you whenever you need it

What awaits you at the mentoring at F.X.C.G. Education

Go dominate trading like we do. We'll show you the tools and techniques that have worked best for us in practice. And we'll help you make your forex journey without any unnecessary crashes.

And when a hiccup comes? That's okay, we'll help you bounce back and move on.

That's why we meet twice a week to check in on your business. We'll help you find mistakes and give you advice on how to avoid them next time.

So you'll learn step-by-step:

  • translating theoretical knowledge into practice,
  • manage the psyche,
  • get the right habits

and many other things you need to succeed.

F.X.C.G. Discord EMPIRE
Get free monthly access to FX Trading Zone! Simply enter the code EMPIREFREE when ordering
You choose the form

How our forex mentoring works

We will meet twice a week. You choose whether you prefer online calls or face-to-face meetings. Just expect to bring a laptop or tablet to the in-person meeting as well.

Each meeting lasts 60-90 minutes. Depending on how much you need.

But you can write us on Discord anytime. And we'll respond as quickly as we can.

If you're planning group mentoring, remember that you need to be all on the same page. And that you need to align your time availability - so that we can all meet together.

FAQ or What you might be interested in

First of all you have to take the VICI course (and before that VENI and VIDI). In the member section of the VICI course, click on the mentoring tab and fill out the registration form.

For as long as you need. Although the minimum period is 4 weeks, most students continue with us for longer.

Of course you can. Just check the box when you sign up for mentoring to see who you want to work with. Just expect that they might be busy. In which case, you'll have to wait until he's at capacity.
It's up to you - at F.X.C.G. Education we offer you both options. Just remember that you'll need to bring a laptop or tablet to your face-to-face meeting.
It's all about your needs. But usually we're dedicated to:
  • proper terminology in trading,
  • setting up and linking applications + using them effectively,
  • technical and fundamental analysis,
  • understanding the market and its patterns,
  • the ability to find business opportunities and their management,
  • getting the right mental setup and creating the right habits,
  • trading together on a demo/live account and then evaluating the results.

Maybe three - you and two buddies. So you can support each other. You just need to make sure you're all on the same level and that you find common dates to meet.

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