
Learn how to win in the world of forex trading. We have 3 courses that will show you how to get started in forex and gradually move you to the top of the trading world. You'll take the first two online and the third one you'll meet us live at the Trading Floor in Moravany near Brno.


You came, so explore

In the videos, you'll get a peek into the world of forex and our other courses.
You will read the first chapters of our tutorials and learn the basics of Forex.
I'm in.


You've seen, so educate yourself

Waiting for you videos + information-packed chapters, you need to do business.
You will learn how to use technical and fundamental analysis.
You'll get tips on how to manage your psyche.
We can advise you on how to raise the capital you need.
799 EUR
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You won, so rule!

We will give you individual attention and answer all your questions.
We'll show you our know-how and teach you our strategy.
You get to practice everything.
We'll show you how to stay on track after the course.
You will get access to a closed Discord group and the opportunity to get a place in the Trading Floor.
799 EUR
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F.X.C.G. Discord EMPIRE
Get free monthly access to FX Trading Zone! Simply enter the code EMPIREFREE when ordering
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Mentoring programme

Take advantage of our experience and tricks and discover the mistakes you're making. The VICI long-term mentoring for graduates will help you with all this.

You'll get the support of an experienced pro trader who will help you consolidate your knowledge, master open position management and master trading on demo and live accounts. And he'll be on hand for as long as you need him.
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F.X.C.G. Signals & Analysis

Arm yourself for victory

from 19 EUR
Subscription price per month
Get the information you need to trade successfully. We'll send it straight to your mobile phone every week!
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Ti nejlepší od nás po skončení kurzu dostanou certifikát, který potvrzuje, že forexu opravdu rozumí. Neznamená to ale, že si zaplatíš kurzy a certifikát je tvůj. Dáme ho jenom těm, kteří to s forexem myslí vážně.

Musíš proto opravdu makat a ukázat, že na to máš. My ti k tomu nabízíme potřebné znalosti. Využij je a posuň se mezi forexovou elitu!
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