We will continue to sponsor SPB Boxing Brno in 2024

We are proud to announce that we will be firmly standing by SPB Boxing Brno as their loyal sponsors in 2024. We want to support and encourage talented athletes, and this team provides us with a great opportunity to do so.

We have decided to give the team brand new jerseys so that our connection is visible on every step that the members of SPB Boxing Brno take in training and fights. The new jerseys are not only a symbolic connection, but also an expression of our pride for their efforts and achievements.

We believe that SPB Boxing Brno is not only a great representative of the Brno sports scene, but also a role model for the next upcoming generations of boxing hopefuls. Fingers crossed for the new boxing season!

Event Info

Date: 2024
Location: Brno

Photos from the event

See for yourself what it looked like at the event. Our photos will take you right to the venue.
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