Podcast - Financial Independence

On October 7, 2023, an episode of the podcast Finanční Nezávislost (Financial Independence) was released, featuring a guest appearance by F.X.C.G. co-founder Radek Babčan. In this episode, the hosts Josef Dundr and Ondra Chlíbec, together with Radek, discuss many topics in the field of entrepreneurship, financial independence, money management, trading and even its negative side. They also touch on sports cars, or how people around us change when money and fame are combined.
You can listen to the podcast on the YouTube channel FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE - podcast, where you can find a shortened version. The full podcast can then be found at herohero.co/financialindependencepodcast.

Event Info

Date: 7. 10. 2023
Location: Financial Independence
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