Konference Purple Trading

On Saturday 13th November 2021 we attended the first big trading conference of our partner and Czech broker Purple trading, which took place in Prague. On this occasion Purple trading celebrated its 5th birthday and it was a great pleasure for us to be part of this special event.

The schedule of the event was packed with a number of lectures from the most famous personalities of the Czech trading scene. The lectures covered the areas of trading strategies, experience and psychology.

Our performance followed the idea of a trader's journey, where we told our story with trading from the very beginning. We touched on topics such as difficult and uncertain beginnings, wrong decisions, lack of training materials and courses in the Czech environment. We focused on how to develop into a full-time trader.

A recording was made of the whole conference, so you can watch it for yourself in the video.

Thanks again to Purple Trading for inviting us and we look forward to more opportunities like this!

Event Info

Date: 13. listopadu 2021
Location: Praha

Photos from the event

See for yourself what it looked like at the event. Our photos will take you right to the venue.
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