Get in the car, drive from the Czech Republic to Montenegro and enjoy high mountain roads, beautiful views and lots of fun in the best resorts. That was the plan for the first FXCG Experience, which kicked off on 19 June 2023.

On a week-long roadtrip full of sports cars, great people and great fun we started from Moravany near Brno. We visited many beautiful cities including Bratislava, Zagreb, Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik and Tivat.

We enjoyed everything that belongs to a proper roadtrip. Roaring engines, adrenaline rush between other cars in the mountain serpentines and fight at the car wash. And we also dragged such cars as McLaren or Ferrari through the gravel.

We really enjoyed every moment behind the wheel!

And we had plenty of time for more fun. So we enjoyed a proper summer party, a trip on quad bikes or a ride on a jet ski and jetsurf. There was also a breathtaking serpentine ride from the village of Kotor to the top of Montenegro's Krstac Mountain to the village of Njeguši, where we enjoyed the spectacular views.

We simply have a lot of unforgettable experiences. And so one thing is for sure - we will do it again next year. Join us!

Event Info

Date: 19. 6. – 25. 6. 2023
Location: Czech Republic > Croatia > Montenegro

Photos from the event

See for yourself what it looked like at the event. Our photos will take you right to the venue.
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