F.X.C.G. Education works closely with Gabriela Brzobohata, an expert in dog training not only for Canisterapy. Gabriela is the proud owner of Jett, a Boerboel dog, who has successfully passed the canister therapy exam with 100 points out of 100. This award is given under the auspices of the Canisterapy Association of South Moravia.

Canisterapy is a type of supportive therapy using dogs that is used to improve a person's mental and physical state. The dog must pass a canister therapy test, which is repeated every two years. The dog must be well socialised and friendly, have a calm temperament and be well behaved so that it does not become frightened in unexpected or sudden situations. Such a dog can work with small children or, on the contrary, with a sick person, so it must be learned and trained for different situations.

Jett has a great success in shows besides canister therapy. And we are glad that we have such a great successful and skilful canine partner in our team, who can change someone's life!

Event Info

Date: 2023
Location: Jižní Morava

Photos from the event

See for yourself what it looked like at the event. Our photos will take you right to the venue.
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