1. F.X.C.G. Education s.r.o., ID No.: 09207392, VAT No.: CZ09207392, with its registered office at Nové sady 988/2, Staré Brno, 602 00 Brno, entered in the Commercial Register of the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, Insert 117812 (hereinafter also referred to as the “Controller”), as the operator of the website uses cookies for the following purposes:
    1. website traffic analysis,
    2. proper functioning of the website,
    3. targeted advertising.
  2. To improve the functioning of the website, to evaluate its traffic and to optimize marketing activities, the Controller uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally by the browser on the computer or mobile device you use when visiting the website. Cookies cannot be used to identify website visitors or to misuse login credentials. The Controller collects these cookies on its website:
    1. session cookies – temporary files that remain stored on your device until you leave the website,
    2. permanent cookies (login) – allow permanent login of the customer, they remain stored for 2 days or until logging out. If you confirm the “Remember me” option, you will be logged in for two weeks.
  3. The Controller uses the following cookies:
    1. necessary cookies – they are necessary for the correct functioning of the website, they enable navigation on the website and the use of its services and functions; the website would not work smoothly and some services or functions would not be possible without necessary cookies,
    2. functionality cookies – they collect information about your choices and preferences and allow the Controller to remember language or other local settings and adapt the website accordingly,
    3. tracking cookies – they track members (and non-members) of social networks for the purposes of market research analysis and product and service development, 
    4. analytics cookies – they collect information on how you use the website and enable the Controller to make improvements,
    5. marketing cookies – these are advertising cookies used for marketing purposes, 
    6. third party cookies – these cookies are managed by third parties and the Controller does not have access to read or write any data.
  4. You can always delete cookies and stored data. For instructions on how to delete cookies in the most commonly used browsers, see the links below:
    1. Chrome: 
    2. Mozilla:
    3. Internet Explorer:
    4. Safari:

      The above links will take you to third-party websites and the Controller does not guarantee their functionality. You should contact the provider of your internet browser with any questions regarding cookies settings. 
  5. Further information on the processing of cookies can be obtained by contacting the Controller at the following email address 
  6. The Controller may change this Policy from time to time. The Controller will publish the new version of the Cookies Policy on its website and also send the new version of this Policy to you at the email address that you provided to the Controller. 

This Policy will take effect and come into force on 1. 7. 2023

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