Get $5,000 in Trading Capital and Kickstart Your Forex Career!

Purchase the VIDI course by 6. 1. 2025, and receive $5,000 in trading capital (over CZK 110,000) through the funding company FunderPro.
I Want the Capital!
10 000+
traders completed our courses

Master the world of  forex trading

"Veni, vidi, vici." - I came, I saw, I conquered.

Julius Caesar said this more than 2,000 years ago, and now you can prove it too! Try our online courses, access market analysis, and master everything you need to succeed.

Novinka přesně pro tebe

Tržní analýzy a výhledy

Získej informace, které ti pomůžou pochopit fundamentální analýzu i naše know-how. A k tomu výhled na očekávaný vývoj trhu s nejvýznamnějšími měnami. Naservírujeme ti podklady, bez kterých se žádný úspěšný trader neobejde.

Learn, Win, Earn

Benefit from our analysis and experience

Learn how to use economic data, fundamental and technical analysis, and become a Forex king. In our courses, we'll demonstrate how it's done, share our experience, and teach you the refined trading rules we've gathered over the years.

Upcoming in-person courses

10. November 2024
Trading Floor Moravany
25. January 2025

Forex training

Unlock your inner conqueror, walk the path of Caesar, and conquer the world of Forex Trading. Explore endless possibilities, seize every opportunity, and emerge as a victorious trader!



You came, so explore

In 3 videos, you will get a glimpse into the world of Forex and our other courses.
Read the first 5 chapters of our tutorials and learn the basics of Forex.
You'll discover if Forex is right for you.


You've seen, so educate yourself

19 videos + 14 information-packed chapters await you.
We'll show you how to effectively manage trades and maintain a healthy mindset.
You will learn how to utilize technical and fundamental analysis.
We'll share our expertise, strategy, and teach you how to achieve long-term, consistent returns.
799 EUR


You won, so rule!

We will provide you with individual attention, support, and feedback, addressing all your questions.
We'll explain any details that you don't fully understand yet, and you'll have the opportunity to practice and apply them.
You'll personally test our strategy and refine your skills.
We can assist you in setting up the trading applications we use.
We'll guide you on maintaining focus even after the course and help you establish beneficial daily habits.
799 EUR
4.9 rating on Google
based on 239 reviews trustpilot
stars 4.5
Rated 4.4 on Trustpilot
based on 20 ratings
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Get $5,000 in capital and kickstart your forex career!

Buy a VIDI course by 31 December 2024 and get $5,000 capital (over 110,000 CZK) at FunderPro.
I want capital
Arm yourself with the tools for victory

Professional trading analysis at your disposal

For those dedicated to trading, we offer something extra - regular market analysis and outlooks. You'll have access to the latest information necessary for your trades.

Learn directly from real and practical insights into the market. Take gradual steps towards achieving victory!

I want your analysis
Our Trading Floor

The best trading facilities in the Czech Republic!

We've opened the first Trading Floor in the Czech Republic, exclusively for our talented Czech traders. It's a cool space with a barber shop, gaming area featuring PlayStation, and the opportunity to rent a super fun sports car. We've taken the concept of trading floors to a whole new modern level, ensuring that our Czech traders can not only focus on their trades but also maintain a healthy balance of work and play.

Check it out!
Who is responsible for this?

They came, they saw, they conquered.

Jakub Kania
Radek Babcan

We have been involved in Forex trading since 2013. Through our experience, we have developed a strategy that brings us success

Now, our aim is to break the Forex myths and show that it is a legitimate and serious business. That's why we offer valuable education that can truly help you!

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We have been in business since

We teach, we lead, we collaborate

It's time to set the record straight. Forex Trading demands effort, data, and analysis. We're here to educate and show you the real path to success.

Join us to learn our proven methods and gain valuable experience in the world of Forex Trading. Let's break free from the myths and make informed moves towards your goals.

Start your journey to trading success with our courses designed for all skill levels. Join us and open the door to the world of forex.🙌
Every day is a new opportunity for growth. Join us on the road to success. 🛣️

Do you want to master the world of forex? Our courses, signals and mentoring will help you. 🎓 Start with our free course - you'll find everything in the link in the bio. 🔥
Are you considering improving your trading skills? The VIDI course can be a great first step for you! 🙌
Every day is an opportunity to learn something new. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, join us and push your limits.
Get access to our VIDI course materials section! 📈 We're always adding new chapters, analysis and examples of our trades. Join us and take your trading to the next level.

#ForexEducation #VidiCourse
The only limit is the one YOU set. Break it with us. 🚀

Do you want to master the world of forex? Our courses, signals and mentoring will help you. 🎓 Start with our free course - you'll find everything in the link in the bio. 🔥
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Don't miss the latest news from our company. On our instagram profile you can find dates of scheduled courses, learn about new contests or watch videos with basic tips for everyone interested in forex trading.

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"Experience is the teacher of all things."

Gaius Julius Caesar
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